- Edocman shortcode 1: {edocmanlink 14432}
- Edocman shortcode 2: {edocmanlink 13711}
- Edocman shortcode 3: {edocmanlink 14428}
- Edocman shortcode 4: {edocmanlink 14588}
- Edocman shortcode 5: {edocmanlink 14798}
- Ordering Override: Use Default
- Link Label 1: Bolsover Homes Newsletters
- Link URL 1: https://www.bolsover.gov.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=184
- Link Label 2: Housing Allocation Policy – April 2024
- Link URL 2: https://www.bolsover.gov.uk/component/edocman/14750-housing-allocations-policy/download?Itemid=0
53 week rent year
Applying for Council Housing
How to apply for a council property
Council Rent
How to pay your council rent
Housing Services (General)
General information about Council Housing and services for older and vulnerable people
Council house repairs and how to report a repair
Right to Buy
Right to Buy allows most council tenants to buy their council home at a discount.
Stock Condition Survey
Tenant Participation
Tenant Satisfaction Measures
Welfare adaptations
01246 242424This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.