Social Housing

Landlord Accreditation Scheme

We have signed up to become partners to the East Midlands Landlord Accreditation Scheme (EMLAS). The scheme is the first regional accreditation scheme, outside of London, to recognise the abilities of the landlord and not just the property standards.

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)

The definition of House in Multiple Occupation has changed under the Housing Act 2004. The definition is quite complex, but in essence includes buildings that are occupied by persons who do not form a single household, where there is a degree of sharing of facilities.

HMO Licensing

Following the Housing Act 2004, landlords of HMO's which are three storeys or more and are occupied by five people or more will need to apply to the Council for a licence. It is now an offence to operate a licensable HMO without a licence for which there are heavy penalties or conviction.

Energy Efficiency in Rented Properties

Landlords need to obtain an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) prior to the start of any new tenancy. A copy of this certificate needs to be supplied to any new tenant free of charge. This does not apply to existing tenants.

The EPC must be produced by an accredited assessor & should show the estimated running costs and the estimated carbon emissions from the property. The rating on the certificate is on a scale of A - G similar to those used for electrical appliances. The rating should also be accompanied by a recommendation report detailing how to improve the property's energy efficiency. Each EPC for the domestic rental sector should last for roughly 10 years, although landlords are encouraged to update them more often if they have refurbished a property and upgraded its thermal efficiency.

It is believed higher ratings could give landlords a marketing advantage as prospective tenants will be able to compare properties against each other and choose one where they will benefit from lower fuel bills. The Enforcement of EPC's will be carried out by Derbyshire County Council Trading Standards, the Environmental Health section will promote the legislation amongst both landlords and tenants.

Housing Associations

We have a number of Housing Associations who have properties for rent in the District. These include:


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