Five-Year Housing Land Supply


We have published details of our Five-Year Housing Land Supply since 2007. Whether the Council can demonstrate a Five-Year Housing Land Supply is important as it affects how planning applications for new housing are determined.

Housing Requirement / Local Housing Need

The Local Plan for Bolsover District (March 2020) sets out the housing requirement of 272 new homes a year for the Council’s Five-Year Housing Land Supply assessment, with a base date of 1st April 2014.

This housing requirement is drawn from the evidence provided by our Strategic Housing Market Assessment work and its identification of the Housing Objectively Assessed Need (OAN) for Bolsover District, as tested through the Local Plan Examination. This evidence and the Inspector’s Report can be viewed below:

For information, the housing requirement within the Local Plan for Bolsover District is above that currently identified through the application of the standard method set out in national planning guidance as published through the Government’s annual Housing Delivery Test.


Annual Position Statement of Five Year Housing Land Supply (November 2023)

We reported the Annual Position Statement of the Council’s Five-Year Housing Land Supply to Planning Committee at its meeting on 29th November 2023. This statement concludes that we have an 8.92 years supply of deliverable sites for the period 2022/23 to 2027/28.

To read the Planning Committee, Annual Position Statement or to view the list of major development sites and their contribution to the Five-Year Housing Land Supply, please go to:


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