Mandatory CCTV

A detailed public and industry consultation was undertaken in October 2021 and we amended our taxi licencing policy to require all vehicles to have approved CCTV installed.

You can read the full requirements in our Taxi Licensing Policy - Hackney Carriages & Private Hire Vehicles (CCTV Supplement).

We have appointed a number of approved suppliers and their details can be found in our list of approved suppliers.

Vehicles presented for a taxi and private hire test at our depot will now have to have CCTV installed before attending or they will not be licensed. 

Vehicle owners and operator’s should not install other non-Council approved systems as these may not be compliant with the new policy.

More information on the requirements for CCTV can be found in our taxi licencing policy, and on the CCTV in Taxis Frequently Asked Questions (below). You will find more details on prices on the FAQ’s as well as the list of approved suppliers.


Frequently asked questions

What does the Council’s new Taxi Licensing Policy (CCTV Supplement) mean for my taxi?
The Council’s new taxi licencing policy introduces a requirement for vehicles licensed as Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles to have a Council approved CCTV system installed.

Why has the Council introduced the policy?
The Council is introducing this policy in an effort to raise safety standards for both passengers and licensed drivers in the district.

What is the purpose of the CCTV policy?
The purpose of the CCTV policy is to ensure that passengers in vehicles licensed with this Council are safe and have means to record an incident which makes them feel unsafe. The value in CCTV is that it also protects the driver where there may be situations in which they also feel uncomfortable or at risk. Each system has an audio recording button in reach of passengers and the driver to enable this additional level of protection.

Where can I find a copy of the policy?
Here is a copy of our taxi licencing policy

Did the Council consult before introducing this policy?
The Council began consultation on the implementation of this policy in 2021. Full details of the process followed including the details of any consultation and responses can be found in the public committee documents on our website. Further amendments were made to the policy in January and June of 2023; however these amendments were minor in nature and a consultation therefore did not take place.

When will I need to get CCTV installed in my vehicle?
You will need to get CCTV installed by no later than 03 September 2023. From this date your vehicle will not be licensed if an approved CCTV system is not installed. If there are exceptional circumstances which are preventing installation please contact the Licensing Team to discuss this matter further.

Who will pay for the CCTV to be installed in my vehicle?
The vehicle licence holder will pay for and own any CCTV unit installed in the vehicle.

Who will supply and install CCTV in my vehicle?
The Council has a list of approved suppliers.

How do I arrange for CCTV to be installed in my vehicle?
Installations can be booked with the approved suppliers directly. Details of how to book can be found on our list of approved suppliers.

How much will it cost to install CCTV in my vehicle?
The cost of the system and all associated installation costs will be in the region of £500 to £800. The prices vary depending on the size and type of vehicle you have and vary between suppliers. You should make enquiries with the suppliers directly for up-to-date prices.

I have found a cheaper CCTV system that isn’t approved. Can I have this system installed instead?
No. The Council has undergone a procurement exercise to identify suitable suppliers.  A number of factors were considered in appointing an approved supplier, including; cost of the CCTV system, cost of installation, cost of the equipment required by the local authority to access footage, the CCTV system’s ability to meet the Council’s specification and any potential supplier’s ability to meet demand and provide customer service.

Can I install a dash cam in my vehicle if I have CCTV installed?
If you wish to install your own dash cam in your vehicle you will become the data controller for any footage captured on that device and must ensure you are registered with and comply with any requirements set out in data protection legislation and by the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Will there be any financial assistance available?
Unfortunately the Council has not been able to secure any funding to assist with the installation of the CCTV systems. Licence holders will need to seek independent financial advice on how they can cover the cost of the CCTV system.

Will the CCTV unit record 24 hours a day?
No. The CCTV system will have a power switch in the boot of the vehicle to enable the system to be turned off when the vehicle is being used for personal use.

Will the CCTV unit continuously record audio whilst in operation?
No. The CCTV system will have panic buttons located in the front and rear of the vehicle. Audio will only be recorded when these buttons have been triggered by either the driver or the passenger.

Will I be able to access the footage stored on the CCTV system?
No. The Council will be the data controller for any footage recorded by the CCTV system and as a result will only be accessible to authorised Council employees. This system has been established in order to minimise any potential data protection risks.

Will the Council be able to view the footage stored on the CCTV system without my knowledge?
No. The footage is stored on the CCTV system and cannot be accessed remotely. In the event the Council needs to access the footage stored on the unit, the vehicle will need to be presented at the Council Offices to enable an authorised officer to download the footage.

Customers don’t want to be filmed and what about Safeguarding Vulnerable people?
This is completely understandable, and this is why the CCTV systems have been designed to prevent anyone accessing any footage without a lawful reason to do so. The driver cannot access the footage at all. The Council and Police can only obtain the footage if there is a complaint about the driver or passenger(s) or a criminal offence which they are investigating. Any footage is held securely by the Council or Police while they are investigating any incidents and destroyed when no longer required, or after a set period of time if enforcement action is taken. For the Council this is usually up to 7 years after the outcome of a criminal case.

How do I operate the CCTV system?
Full operating details will be provided at the time of installation.

Will the Council be doing anything to help my business?
The Council appreciates that the implementation of this policy will be a financial burden to businesses. As a result the Council is promoting the licensed trade through our website and social media.

What happens if I can’t get CCTV installed before my vehicle is due to be tested?
The Council’s approved suppliers have sufficient resources to meet the upcoming demand. However, if for any reason you are unable to get a CCTV system installed in your vehicle prior to 03 September 2023 please provide the licensing section with evidence of the reasons why you have not been able to get CCTV installed and a member of the Licensing team will advise you accordingly.

I am licensed with another Council, do I need CCTV?
If your vehicle is licensed with another Council then you will need to check with them whether they require CCTV.

Are there any exemptions?
If you have exceptional circumstances and would like to be exempt from the requirement to have an approved CCTV system installed, you are able to make a request to the Council for an exemption. Your request should be accompanied by any supporting documentation and will be considered by the General Licensing Sub-Committee. It is for you as the applicant to show that exceptional circumstances apply to your case. The financial impact of paying for a CCTV system cannot be considered an exceptional circumstance.

Does the Installer buy the units back / remove when I sell the vehicle?
The system can be fully removed by the installer when the vehicle is sold and transferred to another vehicle for you. Details of this should be discussed with the provider. Any refunds or buy back scheme should be discussed with the provider.


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